Thursday, October 6, 2011

Responses 1-2, Week 6

On Kyley's "Solitary Shell":

First, let me say that I love your choice.  Kafka is one of my many heroes, though "The Metamorphosis" isn't my particular favorite (I still, nonetheless, love it, of course).

Anyways, I love the line "This human hybrid with more legs than words."  Since I already knew that Kafka was the influence, I can't exactly say how I would respond to this line if I had not known.  However, especially knowing this, I think it brilliantly describes the state of his existence:  it's short, quick, and easy, but it encompasses his very essence.  He is, in fact, a bug ("more legs") with a man's mind ("human hybrid") and no ability to speak ("than words").  Bravo, really, bravo!

I wonder about the first line, though.  Could the poem do without it, or do you feel that it adds something to the overall composition?  For me, personally, I think the line "confined in his bedroom" would be a great opening.  It establishes setting and provides a springboard/catalyst for the lines that follow.

Also, I would seriously consider reworking the lines "...breaking customs, / Going behind enemy lines."  You've packed two cliches into one sentence (though it relies on enjambment).  Reading other pieces of yours, I think you could find a clever way to solve this.  This is, of course, dependent upon whether or not you agree.

I really hope you keep working on this one in particular, though.  I think it has great potential.

On Diamond's "In Picking Up Women":

You have no idea how much I enjoy this.  In particular, I love how you played around with the last word in each line.  For example:  "Chris" (1), "Christmas" (8), "Christians" (16), and "criss-" (23).  ESPECIALLY "criss-" (23).  Do you realize how amazing that is?  I never once considered breaking a word into syllables like that in order to play off another word--in this case, of course, "Chris."

Since this is a calisthenic and not necessarily a complete piece, I am weary to point out the cliche "olive branch" (though, just as you did with "Chris," I love that you used "Olive / Oyl"--so damn original).

For your first sestina, this is pretty damn fantastic.


Blogger Diamond said...

Hey, Chris, sorry I should probably have my name up somewhere else on my blog but my name is Diamond, not Angela. Heh.

Thursday, October 06, 2011  
Blogger Chris Lyons said...

Sorry, I knew whose it was. I had Angela's page up on another tab and accidentally typed her name. Thank you so much for catching the mistaking! :)

Thursday, October 06, 2011  

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